My energy levels have been at an all time low of late and i attribute it to the fact that I've put on weight.
I definately have.
Post exams its been eat, read, sleep, watching dvds, going to work on days when I feel up to it (what a bloody good deal I tell you!), massages and basically languishing in my own scummy laziness. Gross.
Work isn't really work at this point, because I get paid to watch teevee, and sit on my fat arse. Once in awhile a do have to get up from my seat and do some things, but other than that, I'm glued to the goggle box.
I don't want a repeat of 1997, where I put on 10 glorious kilos at boarding school and ballooned to scary sizes 14-16.
I really do not want to be a blob.
Plus, this week is filled with more eating activities, shit.
I need to re-hash the 3 times a week run regime, and after boycotting MacDonald yoga and commercial gyms, I think I'm going to head on down to the local community centre and sign up to practice my sun salutations and warrior poses with the aunties of Thomson.
I cannot and WILL NOT be Jello.
In any case, classes start up again this week, so I hope to get back into a healthy routine again.
Also, I can't wait to see the gang on thursday and hang out with Badger and drummer girl on friday.
I just wish Porn Queen was here.

Badger, you're one beautiful pregnant chick

Wedding reunion
My energy levels have been at an all time low of late and i attribute it to the fact that I've put on weight.
I definately have.
Post exams its been eat, read, sleep, watching dvds, going to work on days when I feel up to it (what a bloody good deal I tell you!), massages and basically languishing in my own scummy laziness. Gross.
Work isn't really work at this point, because I get paid to watch teevee, and sit on my fat arse. Once in awhile a do have to get up from my seat and do some things, but other than that, I'm glued to the goggle box.
I don't want a repeat of 1997, where I put on 10 glorious kilos at boarding school and ballooned to scary sizes 14-16.
I really do not want to be a blob.
Plus, this week is filled with more eating activities, shit.
I need to re-hash the 3 times a week run regime, and after boycotting MacDonald yoga and commercial gyms, I think I'm going to head on down to the local community centre and sign up to practice my sun salutations and warrior poses with the aunties of Thomson.
I cannot and WILL NOT be Jello.
In any case, classes start up again this week, so I hope to get back into a healthy routine again.
Also, I can't wait to see the gang on thursday and hang out with Badger and drummer girl on friday.
I just wish Porn Queen was here.

Badger, you're one beautiful pregnant chick

Wedding reunion