On the company bus after work today I was commuting with a colleague, who is an avid dog lover. We passed through a swank neighbourhood with their sprawling lawns and their gorgeous big dogs.
Her: Oh look! The dogs!
Jo: Damn I missed it.
Her: You know Jo, seeing an injured dog and feeling my heartstrings pull but doing nothing about it makes one no better than people who abuse their animals. It's like seeing starving children on TV or the less fortunate, cocking your head and saying 'oh so poor thing' then doing nothing about it, makes one equal to people who don't give a damn.
Jo: So which path have you chosen? Of not caring anymore or doing something about it?
Her: I've decided to stop caring.
Jo: I suppose I understand where you're coming from. Sin through omission.
We all have it in us to practice altruism and put into action the compassion we feel towards those we deem as less fortunate.
Have we put int the effort to help out in our own way, be it monetary, time, talent, skill?
Because she's right, put our hearts, and hands where our mouths are, if not, we shouldn't bother at all.
Her: Oh look! The dogs!
Jo: Damn I missed it.
Her: You know Jo, seeing an injured dog and feeling my heartstrings pull but doing nothing about it makes one no better than people who abuse their animals. It's like seeing starving children on TV or the less fortunate, cocking your head and saying 'oh so poor thing' then doing nothing about it, makes one equal to people who don't give a damn.
Jo: So which path have you chosen? Of not caring anymore or doing something about it?
Her: I've decided to stop caring.
Jo: I suppose I understand where you're coming from. Sin through omission.
We all have it in us to practice altruism and put into action the compassion we feel towards those we deem as less fortunate.
Have we put int the effort to help out in our own way, be it monetary, time, talent, skill?
Because she's right, put our hearts, and hands where our mouths are, if not, we shouldn't bother at all.