Joshua staggered into my room and proceeded to bury his face in my pillow.
Are you ok? I enquired
Yes, Sarah and her stupid free flow suggestion. He mumbled
What did you have?
2 vodkas, Gin and Tonic, and wiskey.
Lethal Mix.
Yes I can smell.
I just vomitted all over the toilet. Help.
I just spent the last hour hosing down chunks of partly digested fermenting northern indian fare, absolutely putrid no less, and walking downstairs for a hot bowl of noodles with him after.

Glad he's back
Are you ok? I enquired
Yes, Sarah and her stupid free flow suggestion. He mumbled
What did you have?
2 vodkas, Gin and Tonic, and wiskey.
Lethal Mix.
Yes I can smell.
I just vomitted all over the toilet. Help.
I just spent the last hour hosing down chunks of partly digested fermenting northern indian fare, absolutely putrid no less, and walking downstairs for a hot bowl of noodles with him after.

Glad he's back