Friday, October 31, 2003

Beyond help

I was sifting through the few pictures I had in my laptop, because it's 6 years old, unstable and time for a new one. (Yes A mac powerbook thank you very much!) So thought I'd backup my files.

Horror of horrors, I realized that I had more photos of myself with FOOD or just food alone then with friends and loved ones.
This is disgusting.

I then proceeded to ask Justin to take profile shots my stomach and shots of my thighs. Let's just say, I never knew whales could walk.
And it does'nt help that I have a mad obsession with krispy Kream Doughnuts.

Thursday, October 30, 2003

On Rock music and adrenaline

I've discovered, whenever I take a study break, which usually constitutes plugging in my headphones, listening to linkin' Park/Mogwai/Drum & Bass on the verendah, my plams get sweaty, my heart starts racing and I feel rejuvinated and ready to start another bout of DNA, proteins and genetics.

"performing labotamies with telekinetic psychology...."
something about really sexy about screaming musos, beats and angsty lyrics.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Dom took a peekture of these two china uncles when we all went down to the Gold Coast during easter. We just thought it was so funny.
They rolled up their trousers and were hopping about in the crashing waves screaming like little boys "Ah...Ku zi shi le!"

Got this off Trina's blog.
Lesson 1 totally cracked me up.


Old habits die hard

So I am sitting at my computer terminal in the library for another consecutive day of assignment marathon. Seated next to me is this cute-as-a-button Australian girl. The only problem with cute-as-a-button Austrlian girl is that she twirls her hair inccesently round her tiny fingers.
From the corner of my eye I see (With a great urge to push her hand down hard so that she smashes her own head) her left hand raised above her head, bobbing up and down as she twirls her damn locks for the 899th time.

I just want to scream at her: stoptwirlingyourfuckinghairalreadyyouirritatingcute-as-a-buttongirlwithabadhabit
This habit ranks up there with:
1. Pen clickers in an exam hall
2. Feet shuffelers in an exam hall
3. People who bring big bags of loud crunchy chips into the library. (if you must, then by golly, Suck the damn chip till its soggy before you chew!)
4. Public nose pickers
5. 'I need my mobile phone even tho' am in the cinema' syndrome

Then again, I probably have some irritating habit that is pissing the hell out of the cute-as-a-button australian girl.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

After all these years...I still have'nt gotten sick of Trainspotting. Call it what you may, the pop-culture book/film for the young, sorry-ass junkies who feed off media, politiks, controversy and filth. Call it what you may, but I still think it's fucking fantastic.

Thank you John Hodge and Irvine Welsh

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed- interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing sprit- crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing you last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that?

Monday, October 27, 2003

First dabble with Watercolour

introducing the bride of chucky on a bad day.

Pam:Why is she crying
Mom: OMG! Why is she so sad?
Dom: *Laughs hysterically*

I will keep trying.

I am sitting amidst the deathly silence, punctuated ever so often by the familiar sounds of raka-raka-tuk-tuk from the cheap dell keyboards, that is the coolness of the UQ library.
I am up to my ears in assignments, procrastinating like a spoilt brat refusing to open his mouth wide so his mother can shovel a tablespoon full of bitter gourd down his throat.
Quite simply put, I am fucked.
So much work, so little time.
And in between that...wah, can still find time to blog!

Sunday, October 26, 2003

I Would like to thank Mr. Jonathan Fong aka fellow thompsonite/video ezy friend whom am still holding 2 of his Audrey hepburn DVDs hostage for teaching me how to upload lovely photos.
ok, I think now I kiss your feet, Jon.


Ika, Lynn and Jo went to the Marilyn manson Concert.
They randomly got offered backstage passes by 3 girls in the Marilyn Crew.
They got the meet GINGER FISH the drummer.
But in true rock star fashion, MM made them and the rest of the ardent eager we-cut-ourselves-and-are-into-bondage-S&M-and-beastiality fans wait an hour and a half and did'nt show up backstage.

Ferocious forest fires in California.
Mad cricket ball-sized hail storms in south-east Queensland and Sydney.
Many lives at stake.

Yo! Weathermaster, you having a bad day up there?

SMS from Didi on the 18th Oct, 1 day after graduation:

Didi: Remember ur mofo badge? I gave it away 2 Jurassic 5. da rapper is prob wearing it on his shirt right now! ah can u feel connected 2 greatness?

The Story:
I Made 30 1 inch last semester for Dezzo.


Gave some away to the girls as well.
So Didi gave hers to this Rap group from the States, whilst meeting them. (Didi is a groupie btw...tho' she refuses to admit it!)
Dezzo said I should patent it.
So everytime the guy wants to wear the badge, he has to pay me royalties!

Saturday, October 25, 2003

I would just like to say that my gorgeous friend Marie-Sophie aka ISI is absolutely talented.
She has just written her first children's book!
All you publishing house snobs in Vienna who turned her down will shoot yourself in your arses when her book gets published one day soon.

Support Local Malay contemporary artists

If any of you remember Sukaimi from Secondary skool,
He's taking part so do pop on down if you have the time.
Featuring installations, sound installations, computer animation and video art.

Friday, October 24, 2003

yummy girls who are boys who are girls.

As the days pass...
The answer seemly becomes clearer.
I just refuse to accept it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

The Big Day
The whole graduation buzz has finally died down.
The folks have left and suddenly I feel homesick all over again.

The trip to Sydney was great but too too short.
I only had time to meet up with a coupla friends in which I could actually sit and have a decent chat with. The rest of them all came on the big day and being the busy mad day that it was, could only spare a few minutes to catch up and take TOO MANY photos with.
Can't feel face...can't feel cheeks.

-Midnight Pancake feast with the girls
-Seeing beautiful, happy, friendly faces on the day. MANY THANKS TO ALL WHO CAME!
-Trina's card (so sweet I think I go cry now), Pam's flowers, Laita and PL's pressies.
-Recieving my cert from the Pro chancellor, who said "I am so glad to see your major is in Physiology, because that was my major too."
-Discovering that I had accidentally deleted all my graduation photos off the digicam
-Many nice swanky dinners with the family (being the poor student that I am, swanky resturants are just a no-go)
-The late night post-parents-have-gone-to-bed escapades with the bro
-Dinner with the family and the boys @ chinatown
-Mad shoe shopping spree with mom
-Being pampered by the folks....mmm, I think anyone and everyone who has ever been away will know what a lovely, sedate, totally dependant feeling it is when you don't have to make decisions and let them make them all.
They could have put me in a wheel chair and tube fed me for all I care.

Ahh...I am a degree holder, offically. WOO-HOO!

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

I had, and still have, a serious chocolate craving.
I decided to rectify this problem by buying one of Sara Lee's oh-so-perfect-melt-in-your-mouth chocolate cakes. Mmmmmm
So I set out to Indooroopilly mall with Justin and came back with em 350gm frozen ones.
The minute i got home, I ripped the cardboard lid off and put 2 mouthfuls into my mouth. OH!! I can't even begin to describe the warm chocolate-ty goodness that was working it's way into every fibre of my being.
...Little did I know that that would be the last I would see of the heavenly treat.
Dominic Phua aka eating machine bulldozed through the rest of it.

Monday, October 13, 2003

Ok I've changed the template on my blog.
Clean, simple, and easy. Read: BORING!
But yes. It's easy on the eyes.

Last night I star gazed on the varendah.
Justin bought a telescope and we could literally see the craters on the surface of the moon. At one point, Justin up-ed the magnification and started hollering "Jo, I can see the American Flag!" The bastard. Make me excited only. Lies all lies!

I bought 'The long hard road out of hell'. Tis an autobiography written by Marilyn Manson with The help of Neil Strauss.

It's a fantastic read. and although I am not an advocate of the church of Satan, sex, drugs and rock and roll, it has been by far the best book I've picked up this year.

Marilyn writes very candidly about his childhood, his early exposure to extreme pornography such as beastiality, gay porn and the likes. He also writes about the women in his life, his relationship with Anton La Vey the head of the church of Satan, his music, the band members and his beliefs.
Of course no autobiography is complete without early baby, adolecent and teen photos so there is a fair share of Mr.Mason (aka Brian Warner) without the confusing grotesque make-up.

Buying the book resulted in a 30min lecture from Dezzo, on the dangers of placing oneself vunerable to the "Dark side". :) Yes, I am fully aware of the dangers, but no, I have'nt sold my soul to the devil as yet!
The Marilyn Manson concert really did have an impact on me.
It was more the shock factor that sparked the curiosity. In any case, who is'nt curious about the road less travelled?
It is because people know little about a certain grey area, that's why they fear it. Like S&M.
Sadomasochism is an area I would love love love to dive into. Not to actually partake in genital mutilation or to be suspended by meat hooks! But to know why people do what they do. Do pleasure and pain hold close to one another like close sadistic friends?
How I wish I could write a thesis on it.

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

I have returned to Friendster.
Its fun to find out that many more friends have joined and have even made contact with a friend from way back, when I was still in Secondary skool. That was nice.

It's great to see old familiar faces.
Yesterday was church day for me on friendster .
I saw so many people from church.
Some I went to youth choir with , some I went to youth camp with, and some...well...that I thought I'd not have to see again, ever.

But other than that...I feel like removing it again.
Des said that I should just let it sit there and watch it grow or not!

And like Trina said.
We all know we love our friends, testimonials or not.
And do we really need a reaffirmation of our friendship?
hmmm....I will deliberate bout this.

Monday, October 06, 2003

The Straits Times has been writing up on the whole blogging revolution that has hit everyone globally.

Dr Irina Aristarkhova, an assistant professor of the Information and Communication Management Programme in NUS, said many researchers of new media think blogging demonstrates the 'true democratic potential' of the Internet.

'As a space, it gives us much more exposure than, let's say, a traditional photo album that can be seen only by those who visit our homes.'

Read on!

Sunday, October 05, 2003

The 2nd painting is shit.
i am seriously thinking perhaps I should abandon this whole watercolour series all together.
The lady looks like she's Bride of chucky on a bad day.
Muhahaha...Pam thinks the first one was very abstract.
P: Why is she crying?
J: I don't know...thought it fit.
P: Ya, but why?
J: Actually the paint smudged and I could'nt be f-ked to correct it.
P: ahhhh....

Sharon is getting married.
I remember it was only 2 years ago that I met Andrew for the first time.
I am absolutely elated.
She was one of the people in secondary school that I could really talk to. You know what I mean? None of that superficial chit-chat...
Secondary school days went by too fast.

Congrats girl.
Finally, one wedding I won't miss out on.

Saturday, October 04, 2003

Movie marathon with Lynn, Debs and the boys tonight.

1. LXG
2. Agent Cody
3. Legally Blonde 2
4. X-men 2

The way we see 3am we would have passed if we don't get to see X-men Biggie. Bring out the popcorn, doughnuts and coke. I want to grow fat whilst buried in my own filth whilst watching movies consecutively.
Mr. Sean Connery, you sexy beast, we have a date tonight.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

My convo is coming up.
Scheduled for the 17th of october.
I am extremely excited.
The BSc chapter of my life can finally be closed.
The folks will be arriving on the 16th in Sydney.
I plan to slip out with the bro.
I miss the nights at newton with him.
But first, an intensive weightloss program is in order.
Afterall, graduation pics only happen once.

Just got back from a nice 4 day getaway.
Time spent with Pam is always enjoyable. She makes me laugh...but most importantly, I think she puts up with my idiocyncrasies (or at least i think so).
So we stayed at this really dodgy budget hotel.
Obviously optimizing space was top on their adgenda and being the sadistic lets-minimize-the-guests-comfort-cause-they-are-too-cheap-to-pay-for-a-swanky-hotel demeanor, they provided us with 1 toilet shared among a whole floor of guests. 1 toilet! The bastards! And that was'nt the worst bit. The lights were operated via a push button mechanism. So after 2 minutes or so... the lights go of. Perfect for energy saving, crap for hotel guests who look forward to a hot bath after the days activities.
So Pam and I had to take turns standing near the button, making sure that it was depressed again before the lights went out.
Our first night was spent bobbing our heads to 'WE ARE FAMILY' blasting from the karaoke bar just across the street whilst tucked in bed.
It was funny.

Overall the trip was enjoyable.
A little sightseeing, snapping pics of people and the beautiful old buildings.

We ate like there was no tomorrow.
A total of 3 different places in chinatown for supper every night.
Thanks Pam for the much needed holiday.
After our graduation things might change, you'll be going home...who knows.
Am just glad I will take these happy memories with me when I leave Australia