Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Here are the long overdue birthday party photos! I am crap at techy for some reason, after scanning the photos (scanning them was already an accomplishment), they came out tiny! So you'll just have to squint and looksee! Sorry!

Everyone in the token birthday picture group shot

Pictionary madness begins!

All mad!

Known these 2 for over 11 years!

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

A few of my Favourite Things

Monday, February 23, 2004

I think to a certain extent, every family is dysfunctional.
I guess this stems from the fact that the only mode of comparison we have is to look at our friend's families. Be it the quirky brother, the stoic father, the boyzone-crazed teenaged sister...every family has its fair share of interesting characters.

I used to think my family was normal until everyone told me that my mother was different. She's just mad. Her sitting in on our kids birthday parties, wearing party hats, being the flamboyant crazed dirty joke teller..the list runs long. She has bailed my friends out when they tried to enter zouk with fake IDs and got caught (I will not name names), and she thought it was hilarious, usually reassuring them by saying "Aiyah...Josie did this before. Don't worry!" (Thanks mom). I went clubbing with her when I was 18, gay bars, you name it. So I really think the reason as to why I am a freak is due to the very radically militant upbringing received.

Today made clear the fact that I had certain prefrences that deemed me freaky dicky.
Followed my brother to this foot reflexology place as he wanted to get a foot rub. Whilst waiting for him I decided to have a back massage.
The conversation (in mandrin) that followed went something like this:

Wise China Uncle: Wah! You have 4 bruises on your arm. Some big some small.
Josie: Erm..
Wise China Uncle: Come I rub for you, it will hurt but will definately heal within the next 2 days.
Josie: Yah, I know... My boyfriend bit me. I like
Wise China Uncle: Wah! You Freaks ah! (Wah! hao Bian Tai ah!)

Needless to say, he keep very quiet the remainder of the session.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

It's always the case, as your holiday draws to a close...the seemingly quiet break bursts into mad flurry of things to do. Partly because I feel that time is running out and have to meet as many people as possible, to stock up on friendly-faces-mojo before I leave, and the fact that I have left many errands till the last minute.
Caught up with Edwin, Shifaa and Laita on Friday night. We went to first thai for dinner, was really lovely...I strongly believe in NO FRILLS dining, it's nice to eat at swanky joints once in awhile, but, I am more than happy to pig out on a massive variety of food for a fraction of resturant prices.

Valentine's Day was uneventful, as I was DATELESS! But Shifaa being the sweetie she is, bought Laita and me roses. Other than that, I spent the day with the folks, but it was great. Parents can be completely random and entertaining.

Did'nt go to the theatre on Sunday, no surprises there...but managed to catch irreversible with Gary. The violence-shock factor was immense, and I contemplated walking out during the 9 minute long rape scene. Completely brutal and painful to watch as we all know for a fact that it was very real. WE went to Colbar for dinner and up Mount Faber for drinks at the Altivo. Simply Lovely place! (Pam when you come we all go!)

Met up with Chirstine yesterday. The date's been set, she and jason are tying the knot on the 24th of September. I think I will cry.

Am starting on this little project.
So please be nice and let me take individual polaroid snapshot of all of you :)

Thursday, February 12, 2004

I finally finished the internship.
But irony, of ironies, it came as no surprise, when I found myself waking up monday morning itching to go back to the place I so fondly called "The hell hole".
Sigh, I guess it was the lunch with collegues, the funny bizzaro stories they would tell, the ciggy breaks with this nice Malaysian boy sitting next to me in the lab, the gossip sessions with this bubbly fellow UQ girl, the occasional lunch meet ups with Edwin at NUH, the experiments. YES! THE EXPERIMENTS!

Anyway, sloth Jo has set in again. I know I should go out and do things, but I rather spend the entire day at home reading, watching DVDs, cooking. Ergh! I think I am a closet housewife in the making.
Finally seeing Edwin and Shif on Friday for Thai! After...a month?
Theatre on Sunday with Gary, but I bet we will just end up nuah-ing at some cafe, after cafe after cafe, like the last time.
Desmond is working very hard...everyone, POOR DEZZO! The poor boy has to work right through the weekend. Of course I could have gone in to be his production assistant..heh heh....but you know...So he tries and squeezes in an hour here and there, to remind me that he is still alive. So, appreciate the local commercials on TV everyone, because the poor producers who work for shitty film companies in Singapore have to work very hard to shoot one bloody commercial! :)

Tuesday, February 03, 2004


Monday, February 02, 2004

The 15 days of Chinese new year is almost coming to an end. Which officially marks the end of the year end/year beginning festivities and madness. How was YOUR chinese new year?

My mother always has an issue with the shoes I wear (or rather, the lack of it. Recently, we have resolved this problem as am finally wearing proper closed toed shoes, not, crummy slippers-as coined by mom), as well as my clothes.
Most mornings would consist of me rummaging through the laundry basket full of unironed clothes asking my maid "erm...where's my black top?"
To which she always says "Aiyah..I just washed, not ironed yet."
I will just grab the damn thing and wear it anyway.

So, to avoid the usual "Is THAT what you're wearing?!" on the first day of chinese new year, the eve saw me squeezing with the other last minute CNY clothing shoppers. I walked into FCUK, basically shops that stock XXXL and sizes bigger than a 10, and picked out the brightest, loudest most gaudy piece of work to grace the racks. Feeling utterly content with the fact that quite simply, I looked like a giant ang pow wrapped with fairy lights, I could then proceed on with the rest of my life.

No complains from my mother about the top. Jo, Samantha and Lindy. My favourite Lo girls!

This year was made more interesting with the arrival of little baby cousin Ruben. Ok. I hate children. Everyone who knows me knows this. But Ruben..wah..this kid is special man! Either that or my LET's ALL HATE CHILDREN resolve is finally waivering. So the mini celebrity had a field day, in which adults were reduced to making strange gurgling sounds, sticking fingers up their noses and playing face hide and seek behind napkins.

Ruben! I love ruben! We all love Ruben!