Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Saturday was excellent.
Food was great. Lamb korma, sambal praws, paperdums, meat loaf, saffron rice, baked chicken rolls, salad.
Company was brilliant. Thank you Jen & Edwin, Shifaa & Hendri, Trina, Sharon.C, Janice, Cheryl, Sharon.F, Yaonan, Dwayne, Monica and the folks!
Pictionary was mental, punctuated with 'I bloody said that first!' 'No I did!' 'Yeah! Free draw!' 'That looks like a giant dildo!'

And the lovely presents!
Thank you everyone!
Pictures to come.
Watch this space

Saturday, January 10, 2004

Met up with Sharon and Janice for dinner on thursday. Went to CHA CHA CHAs (again!) I swear, they should really give me one of em frequent visitor coffee bean starbucks pao pao cha punchy hole type cards. It was a nice girly night out. I absolutely recommend girly nights to anyone. Theraputic shit it is! Frivolously stimulating conversation ranging from the fact that Gandolf is really an angel and not really a wizard, and how Lord of the rings has blatent christian conotations to liposuction and plastic surgery to gossip about girls we hardly know but loath...

Call me sad but I am extremely excited about tomorrow.
I went to metro at paragon after work (eh, they have a 20% off now, so go buy your board games!) and got taboo and pictionary.
They now have this additional thing in pictionary called 'The Limited Singapore edition' add on pack. They have words like PUA CHU KANG, MONEY FACE and many other local delights...hahah. I wonder if they incorporated Hokkien swear words, if so, tis ideed going to be a night of many phallic type drawings ;)

Anyway, Zouk is having their Flea and easy thrift market on Sunday. hands up all ye who want to go! Let's go let's go!

Wednesday, January 07, 2004



Mofo is off on a mad one week dissapearing act because of work.
To be honest, it was kind of nice seeing a friendly face after work everyday. But have now gotten used to the coming home to home cooked food and hanging out with brother...so nevertheless, all is good.
Looking forward to Saturday, some friends are coming over for dinner, and am going to buy pictionary and taboo so we can play after. My mom suggested having champers to drink as well! ahhh...spoilt!

Sunday, January 04, 2004

There is always a beginning...

Was a fairly low key new year's eve, but I enjoyed every bit of it.
The night started with dinner with mom and dad at home, followed by dinner part II with Christine, Jason and Desmond. We went for yeeendian (as Trina Chan would say) food at Samy's. It's this lovely indian resturant atop a small hill at Dempsy Road. Checkit!
This was followed by drinks at Tango's at Holland Village.
Christine and I were all geared up to get ourselves completely sloshed before midnight came so she had 8 and I had 6 tequilla shots. Together with 2 cosmos each, we were happy girls by the time the countdown started.
Everyone was really spontaneous and 4 of us stood on our chairs with our party hats and blowy thingamabobs and screamed our lungs out. It was good.

The highlight of the night was post countdown, when we got up to leave. Christine fell flat on her face. The girl slipped and sort of glided gracefully landing flat on her stomach. OUCH! We pulled her up and Dezzo faced the people watching in the cafe behind and screamed "SHe's alright!", and everyone started clapping and cheering. Yea baby Yea! Muahahah!

Goodbye 2003!

The Lows
1. Leaving Sydney. The friends, the places, the undergrad life.
2. Getting the rejection letter from Sydney uni Grad Med School
3. Not knowing what direction i should take in terms of my acedemia.
4. Adapting to the quiet life in Brisbane, new faces, new places

The Highs
1. Graduating and having my convo. Seeing my parents so darn happy and relieved
2. Meeting Desmond and surviving long distance (We did it babe!)
3. Desmond's trip to Australia
4. Living in Arundel
5. Spending time with Pam before she left for good. Melbourne and Brisbane. So glad we went on 2 holidays together
6. Rekindling my penchant for painting and drawing, and putting it into action
7. Qualifying for another semester in the Masters Course