Immediately after a post about starving, I shall resume normal programming and talk once again, about the wonders of food, to be precise, a snack I've been hooked on for the past 3 weeks.
It was discovered serendipitously on a lazy afternoon due to the absence of junk food in larder and fridge.
I had a major craving for chocolate then, but because I am now a poor struggling student AGAIN, I cannot indulge my stupid whims as and when I like. I was hence reduced to rummaging through the wine cooler, fridge, mother's secret hiding place, and every cupboard in the kitchen. I found:
1. Leftover nutella from the cupcakes
2. Cream Crackers
The marriage of nutella with the buttery flakey cream crackers is absolutly explosive. Best eaten as a thick layer of nutella sandwiched between 2 cream crackers. Bloody good and hits the spot. I've tried 4 cream crakers with 3 layers of nutella and that works too, but a modest 2 seems to do the trick.
Try it.
And I also want to thank Porn Queen and Drummer Girl for their wicked presents of cotton underwear, GRANNY UNDERWEAR!, a smashing NEW GNOME BOOK to add to the 2 from the monkey and and and...

What would life be like if one had no friends and loved ones that indulged ones gnome madness.
Positively miserable.
I am indeed grateful and very blessed
It was discovered serendipitously on a lazy afternoon due to the absence of junk food in larder and fridge.
I had a major craving for chocolate then, but because I am now a poor struggling student AGAIN, I cannot indulge my stupid whims as and when I like. I was hence reduced to rummaging through the wine cooler, fridge, mother's secret hiding place, and every cupboard in the kitchen. I found:
1. Leftover nutella from the cupcakes
2. Cream Crackers
The marriage of nutella with the buttery flakey cream crackers is absolutly explosive. Best eaten as a thick layer of nutella sandwiched between 2 cream crackers. Bloody good and hits the spot. I've tried 4 cream crakers with 3 layers of nutella and that works too, but a modest 2 seems to do the trick.
Try it.
And I also want to thank Porn Queen and Drummer Girl for their wicked presents of cotton underwear, GRANNY UNDERWEAR!, a smashing NEW GNOME BOOK to add to the 2 from the monkey and and and...

What would life be like if one had no friends and loved ones that indulged ones gnome madness.
Positively miserable.
I am indeed grateful and very blessed