Sometime in 2001, I discovered my love for things dark and depraved and I owe this, in part, to the accidental discovery of our uni's anatomy museum. Some afternoons were spent eagerly and illegally bringing in friends to marvel at the wonders of pickled human goodness. Jars and jars of defenestrated remains from accidents, cross sections of head, toso, genitalia, plasticized network of arteries, veins, capillaries, brain, bones. I loved the anatomy musem. So imagine my delight, when on the first day of our Neuroscience lab, as we were all gathered round one of those post mortem metal trollys with 4 covered buckets surrounding the cold steel, our professor picked up a bucket and out poured the pickled upper torso of an elderly white male. We had a generous serving of brain and torsos that afternoon and got down and dirty picking up the organs to study the structural miracle of the human brain.
What followed was a insatiable curiosity for cringe worthy art, articles and films. I was drawn to old black and white medical photos as there were plenty that hung along the corridoors of the Anderson Stewart building. Our professors back in the 1960s with the rest of their team, nurses in white. I also loved the look of 18th and 19th century surgical tools and the open surgeries that often took place with doctors looking on. Hail the freak show! welcome to the circus! People were still in the preliminary stages of understanding the human body and doctors could get away with performing crude frontal labotomies on patients they deemed 'unsound of mind'.
This interest also fuelled the shift in my taste of music and the revelation of Marilyn Manson and his theatrics. I read his autobiography in 2003 and was hooked. The genius. I searched for his music videos and went to his concert in Late 2003. Hoorah the epoch of new auditory and visual discovery! My favorite Marilyn Manson music video is The Beautiful People.

The lady who directed this is
FLORIA SIGISMONDI. She is a visual virtuoso. She also directed the music video of a band that has defied mainstream and is, quite simply, in a class of their own.
SIGUR ROS. Sigur Ros's ( ) album saw me through many melancholic nights on the veranda of our apartment in Brisbane, it is achingly beautiful, haunting, sad, fraught with emotion, and in the words of Mof "Makes you wanna slit your wrists and die".
Sigur Ros ( )

Because I love you all so much, here is the MTV of track 1, Untitled, off Sigur Ros's ( ) album. Directed by Floria Sigismondi
SIGUR ROS ( )Enjoy