We miss you drummer girl!

Hoity Toity. Spot of Tea Daaaaahling?
On Saturday our favorite couple as featured above took us to the Doggy Run at West Coast Park. It is pure dog heaven and I am sure many dogs there find their happy place (like how drummer boy spazes and goes to his happy place when he eats bread) over and over again amidst the butt sniffing and slobbering. It's a size of 3 football fields, all nicely enclosed with double doors where pooches can roam freeeee. There is one at East Coast park too apparently.

Japanese Starlet- Check out the eyes lah dey. So big! Edwin and Jen's Brighton just loves her.

The Monstaaars!- According to Jen, these are called Labradoodles, and no it doesn't mean Labrador Poodle cross :p They are huge and the owner keeps his house perpetually air conditioned for these much loved canines.

Doting Parents- Japanese Starlet's parents, from Japan, duh!

Hoity Toity. Spot of Tea Daaaaahling?
On Saturday our favorite couple as featured above took us to the Doggy Run at West Coast Park. It is pure dog heaven and I am sure many dogs there find their happy place (like how drummer boy spazes and goes to his happy place when he eats bread) over and over again amidst the butt sniffing and slobbering. It's a size of 3 football fields, all nicely enclosed with double doors where pooches can roam freeeee. There is one at East Coast park too apparently.

Japanese Starlet- Check out the eyes lah dey. So big! Edwin and Jen's Brighton just loves her.

The Monstaaars!- According to Jen, these are called Labradoodles, and no it doesn't mean Labrador Poodle cross :p They are huge and the owner keeps his house perpetually air conditioned for these much loved canines.

Doting Parents- Japanese Starlet's parents, from Japan, duh!