I feel like a 40 year old trapped in this 25 year old skin.
I don't know why it is I feel so drained all the time, but it's always easy to use good ol' thalassemia minor and my fucked up hemoglobins as scapegoat.
I think the problem runs a little deeper than that.
Maybe a case of starting too much too soon and fizzling out?
I don't know if it's because I'm jaded or bored.
I hate having to make inane conversation with new people, yet I crave for a bustling social life. Sometimes I want very much to curl up with a warm body and watch dvds, but 30mins into the show and I'm squirming. I want to go bush walking, hiking, backpacking, white water rafting, sky diving and other such activities, but when it comes down to it, I can't even motivate myself to go cycling on a Sunday morning. I am a walking contradiction and I hate it.
In other news:
My secondary school classmate, Erlin is on her way to joining the ya-ya sisterhood, and go yoodelling in the mountains. Her little bub is going to be a full fledged all American girl filled with yummy wholsome goodness

Can't believe it's been 9 years since we all graduated

Smells like teen spirit
With news like this,
I should just shut up and celebrate life rather than the lack of.
I don't know why it is I feel so drained all the time, but it's always easy to use good ol' thalassemia minor and my fucked up hemoglobins as scapegoat.
I think the problem runs a little deeper than that.
Maybe a case of starting too much too soon and fizzling out?
I don't know if it's because I'm jaded or bored.
I hate having to make inane conversation with new people, yet I crave for a bustling social life. Sometimes I want very much to curl up with a warm body and watch dvds, but 30mins into the show and I'm squirming. I want to go bush walking, hiking, backpacking, white water rafting, sky diving and other such activities, but when it comes down to it, I can't even motivate myself to go cycling on a Sunday morning. I am a walking contradiction and I hate it.
In other news:
My secondary school classmate, Erlin is on her way to joining the ya-ya sisterhood, and go yoodelling in the mountains. Her little bub is going to be a full fledged all American girl filled with yummy wholsome goodness

Can't believe it's been 9 years since we all graduated

Smells like teen spirit
With news like this,
I should just shut up and celebrate life rather than the lack of.