I am completely poofed today.
Started the day with a slew of meetings, followed by a workshop, then a board meeting after. Argh! I could hardly keep my eyes open when I came home to the family entertaining Auntie Suzy who was on visit from Italy.
Was running on pure adrenaline to keep me going, and after the workshop, came down from the high and crashed really badly, headache, watery eyes, nausea, the works baby!
But admist all this, my comms team managed to perk me up and recharged me for the evening's meeting.
Good colleagues make all the difference,
and it helps if they are way off kilter and Koo Koo.

Shanghai Mamasans


The Comms Team
Started the day with a slew of meetings, followed by a workshop, then a board meeting after. Argh! I could hardly keep my eyes open when I came home to the family entertaining Auntie Suzy who was on visit from Italy.
Was running on pure adrenaline to keep me going, and after the workshop, came down from the high and crashed really badly, headache, watery eyes, nausea, the works baby!
But admist all this, my comms team managed to perk me up and recharged me for the evening's meeting.
Good colleagues make all the difference,
and it helps if they are way off kilter and Koo Koo.

Shanghai Mamasans


The Comms Team