ahh, just got back from a fund raiser.
One down and 5 more to go before the month is up, groan.
Yesterday, we spent 4 hours in the board room, 4 fucking hours.
How's that for inefficiency.
Well, it was not one's fault really, but it resulted in me switching off after 2 hours:

Oh! The enthusiasm

Horrendous past office hour photo, oh well
I can't believe I travelled by taxi to eat KFC in Orchard, afterwhich proceeded to join in the friday night taxi queue for 15mins to catch a cab home. Crazy? I think so too.
I am really poofed and think I should hit the sack.
One down and 5 more to go before the month is up, groan.
Yesterday, we spent 4 hours in the board room, 4 fucking hours.
How's that for inefficiency.
Well, it was not one's fault really, but it resulted in me switching off after 2 hours:

Oh! The enthusiasm

Horrendous past office hour photo, oh well
I can't believe I travelled by taxi to eat KFC in Orchard, afterwhich proceeded to join in the friday night taxi queue for 15mins to catch a cab home. Crazy? I think so too.
I am really poofed and think I should hit the sack.