Happy Birthday Singapore, from us at the VIP stands who ate the snacks in the goody bag, drank the drinks, sang the songs, clapped the blow up sticks, because we are Singaporeans and are so darn proud that we got to sit in the VIP stands but are skanks and do not like to take our own trash with us. We love you Singapore! And by the way, we are so happy and thank our relative/friend Minister XXX for our tickets, let him/she know we left our trash, but don't let Kwan Yew Know, cause that old bat will throw a hissy fit knowing his courtesy campaign was a flop. xoxoxo

Singing the Anthem, saying the Pledge, I was proud to be Singaporean, when everyone was happy, cheering, singing, even the Aussie pilots sitting behind us, Singapore our Global home indeed. (Of course in my sick demented mind at some point during the colourful displays I imagined a Kim Jong Il and North Korea's once a year big celebration with starving country men dancing and singing. Nevermind.) But the true Singaporeans in everyone manifested post show, after the last firework had been lit. The pushing and shoving, the LITTERING! the cutting queues, the blaring of horns. This is home.... truly.