My work day over the past 2 days consists of sitting at desk reading Harper's Bazzar, blog surfing, nattering with fellow commies, early lunch, clearing up backdated paperwork and snacking. Now THAT's a true waste and misuse of human resources. What to do? Ownself make these things happen, stupid people.

Eat this muthafakar!
One of us will be joining a local paper soon. What fun! Sure get asked to write story about this nonsense
I also think that children should be banned from cinemas. As long as you are bare between your legs, you better damn well stay clear of the cinema. My entire 'War of the Worlds' experience was destroyed by these 2 annoying male brats sitting directly behind me. No! I correct myself, it wasn't the little people's fault, but their breeders. The damn breeders did nothing but initiate and perpetuate inane conversation throughout the ENTIRE movie.
Female breeder: "Oh! See the Big alien is coming!"
Older little person: "Mommy, I wish I did'nt agree to see this show. it's scary"
Female breeder:"Boy, look at the alien."
Older little person:"Mommy, scared! Can you tell me when I should close my eyes."
Female breeder:"Ok. Oh! See the alien killed the man!"
Singapore should adopt the Australian system of kiddies afternoon at the movies. Where the only patrons are mommy or daddy breeders, who get to take their kiddos to the cinema. Best! Then the little people can create all the din they want without the sssh-ing and irritated tsk-s from other non-breeders. Now wouldn't that be so so so much better for everyone?

Eat this muthafakar!
One of us will be joining a local paper soon. What fun! Sure get asked to write story about this nonsense
I also think that children should be banned from cinemas. As long as you are bare between your legs, you better damn well stay clear of the cinema. My entire 'War of the Worlds' experience was destroyed by these 2 annoying male brats sitting directly behind me. No! I correct myself, it wasn't the little people's fault, but their breeders. The damn breeders did nothing but initiate and perpetuate inane conversation throughout the ENTIRE movie.
Female breeder: "Oh! See the Big alien is coming!"
Older little person: "Mommy, I wish I did'nt agree to see this show. it's scary"
Female breeder:"Boy, look at the alien."
Older little person:"Mommy, scared! Can you tell me when I should close my eyes."
Female breeder:"Ok. Oh! See the alien killed the man!"
Singapore should adopt the Australian system of kiddies afternoon at the movies. Where the only patrons are mommy or daddy breeders, who get to take their kiddos to the cinema. Best! Then the little people can create all the din they want without the sssh-ing and irritated tsk-s from other non-breeders. Now wouldn't that be so so so much better for everyone?