Steph e-mailed to say she'll be visiting Spain this year and asked if there was a remote possibility of a reunion, and seeing as how we are going to London again this year for another cousin's wedding, this reunion actually seems very very possible! It's insane as I haven't seen her for 7 almost 8 years. Then Isi e-mail's to tell us her book is going to be published first half of the year and how surreal it is to actually be coined as an author. I'm so proud of the 2 girls, Steph made it through law school and is now climbing the ladder at Citibank. Isi's made it through her politics PhD and is now finishing her Thesis. Every single one of the Mayfield girls has done really well. Sarah realised her dream of being a vet, Theresa pushed on to make it to the final year of architecture, Shuwen and Dayo both corporate women in London. It's amazing how far the girls have come, I am so darn proud of them all.



