And so I've started the first week of the new year with...

A new addition to the Marcus and Jo family. Say hi to Peadus.
I've also started the first week of the year, jobless, without reply from Australian Institution, 2 kilos heavier after the festive season, a deflating e-mail from Med School admissions officer, no reply from 2 resumes sent out a week ago, random zits and swollen painful mammaries resulting from an early onset of PMS which took its natural progression onto the next phase today, crap. Jobsdb is very slow today and I am getting impatient. Ya, now everyone take bonus and planning to run already, faster move it so I can get a job please.

A new addition to the Marcus and Jo family. Say hi to Peadus.
I've also started the first week of the year, jobless, without reply from Australian Institution, 2 kilos heavier after the festive season, a deflating e-mail from Med School admissions officer, no reply from 2 resumes sent out a week ago, random zits and swollen painful mammaries resulting from an early onset of PMS which took its natural progression onto the next phase today, crap. Jobsdb is very slow today and I am getting impatient. Ya, now everyone take bonus and planning to run already, faster move it so I can get a job please.