Tis the season to be jolly but I have no frikin money.
My pay for the previous TeeVee stint was supposed to come in on friday but it didn't.
I need money.
Let's not even talk about shopping, I need money to live. Pay bills, buy food, buy pads for goodness sake!
Damn I need more sidelines.
I should've just taken the assistant to stylist offered last week, but against my better judgement I turned it down. Anyway, I hope I can start the month and a half stint at TeeVee outfit soon.
Cue in Donald Trump's The Apprentice Theme song *Money Money Money Money! MONEY!*
Lack of money aside, I'm just so damn lazy.
Laziness will surely be my downfall.
My parents can attest to that.
I can do it if I really put my mind to it, but it's hard to find things around me these days that give me the drive to want to really give 110%. That's just downright pathetic. The other day Gary and I spent the afternoon at SAM.

Gary tries to make sense of what it all really means

Looking at you looking at me looking at you
We popped by sculpture garden to have a looksee. I looked thru the window of the exhibition space there and I could swear I thought the laydee sitting the entrance was part of the art installation. What a fantastic no brainer job, we agreed. But I do think the monotone hum from the neon light installation in the space was making her a little kooky. Back to laziness. I need to get out of this rut. I realised eversince I started work that I am really not a go getter. Just like what Gatsby and I concluded sometime ago, we will be very happy working for people cause that would mean not having to make decisions and basically just doing what you are told to do. I guess that was why from a very early age I have wanted to to medicine. Ok, apart from the "heal the world" that's constantly playing on loop in my head, it's really quite a straight forward path. Finish A-levels, Uni, finish the 5 years, 1 year housemanship, few years GP in hospital, no life, 2 years study, specialize, heal the world, play golf, grow old. Nah beh. Life threw me more fastballs that I can handle. My life sure hasn't been the clockwork bam bam bam assembly line I always thought I'd enjoy. What a screw up. In any case, I am grateful for these deviations, but man, time is really running out. I'm going to be 26 so soon! I am no where near what some people have accomplished by their 26th birthday. Really slow to mature I am. Sure, wise beyond my years they say, but so darn lazy! What happened to my career in order, planning for wedding by 27 and having dog or baby by 29! I'm going to be a directionless 30 year old with smelly blue kitty kat bolster as bed partner. That's it. Tomorrow I will bake muffins. Oh look it's time for bed.
And because I can, here are some photos from Batam. Ouuu my friends are going to hate me.

Edwin Rejoices as the Headband makes a comeback

Jen is all smiles as she sets a new fashion trend

Hendri meditates on the foamy goodness
My pay for the previous TeeVee stint was supposed to come in on friday but it didn't.
I need money.
Let's not even talk about shopping, I need money to live. Pay bills, buy food, buy pads for goodness sake!
Damn I need more sidelines.
I should've just taken the assistant to stylist offered last week, but against my better judgement I turned it down. Anyway, I hope I can start the month and a half stint at TeeVee outfit soon.
Cue in Donald Trump's The Apprentice Theme song *Money Money Money Money! MONEY!*
Lack of money aside, I'm just so damn lazy.
Laziness will surely be my downfall.
My parents can attest to that.
I can do it if I really put my mind to it, but it's hard to find things around me these days that give me the drive to want to really give 110%. That's just downright pathetic. The other day Gary and I spent the afternoon at SAM.

Gary tries to make sense of what it all really means

Looking at you looking at me looking at you
We popped by sculpture garden to have a looksee. I looked thru the window of the exhibition space there and I could swear I thought the laydee sitting the entrance was part of the art installation. What a fantastic no brainer job, we agreed. But I do think the monotone hum from the neon light installation in the space was making her a little kooky. Back to laziness. I need to get out of this rut. I realised eversince I started work that I am really not a go getter. Just like what Gatsby and I concluded sometime ago, we will be very happy working for people cause that would mean not having to make decisions and basically just doing what you are told to do. I guess that was why from a very early age I have wanted to to medicine. Ok, apart from the "heal the world" that's constantly playing on loop in my head, it's really quite a straight forward path. Finish A-levels, Uni, finish the 5 years, 1 year housemanship, few years GP in hospital, no life, 2 years study, specialize, heal the world, play golf, grow old. Nah beh. Life threw me more fastballs that I can handle. My life sure hasn't been the clockwork bam bam bam assembly line I always thought I'd enjoy. What a screw up. In any case, I am grateful for these deviations, but man, time is really running out. I'm going to be 26 so soon! I am no where near what some people have accomplished by their 26th birthday. Really slow to mature I am. Sure, wise beyond my years they say, but so darn lazy! What happened to my career in order, planning for wedding by 27 and having dog or baby by 29! I'm going to be a directionless 30 year old with smelly blue kitty kat bolster as bed partner. That's it. Tomorrow I will bake muffins. Oh look it's time for bed.
And because I can, here are some photos from Batam. Ouuu my friends are going to hate me.

Edwin Rejoices as the Headband makes a comeback

Jen is all smiles as she sets a new fashion trend

Hendri meditates on the foamy goodness