Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I used to really hate dangly dang dangs hanging off the corner of mobile phones, especially those with bells, which makes you sound like a grazing cow. But, I am a walking contradiction and now have 2 big dang dangs hanging off the side of my phone.
1) Fake gucci strap
2) Tim the Ninja Cat

Enemy of common is now a sheep. Baaaaaa!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


There could not possibly be a better movie made this year, ok, ask me again after I've watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The island is a masterpiece. It had me sitting on the edge of my seat the entire time and not only did it enthrall me with the beauty of science, it constantly hurled philosophical and theological fastballs toward our fragile questioning minds. Beautiful.

Spent last night digging up old uni literature on cloning, in particular the small segments on the ethics of cloning. Initially I wanted to write on ethics, but after mulling over the topic for a long while, I figured it's an age old debate that can never be resolved. Science vs Religion. Do christians sit on the moral high ground? Honestly I do not know. But I visited a webite I used to read from before because i remember they have a page on cloning. (for some strange reason the damn 'turn-word-into-link' icon does not show up when I use my mac. Grunt.) I am an firm advocate of religious tolerance which probably is a conundrum to millions of my fellow christians.

Here is an exerpt from their website about cloning, in case you were wondering what on earth is cloning all about .
What is Cloning?

Cloning is the production of one or more individual plants or animals (whole or in part) that are genetically identical to an original plant or animal.

Three very different procedures have been referred to as "cloning." Two are:

Adult DNA cloning (a.k.a. cell nuclear replacement): This involves removing the DNA from an embryo and replacing it with the DNA from a cell removed from an individual. Then, the embryo would be implanted in a woman's womb and be allowed to develop in to a new human whose DNA is identical to that of the original individual. This method has been used to clone a sheep. The initial steps of the procedure were tried using human DNA in 1998-DEC. Adult DNA cloning cannot ethically be used to produce a human clone, because experiments on animals have sometimes produced defective specimens.

Therapeutic cloning: (a.k.a. Somatic cell nuclear transfer or research cloning): This starts with the same procedure as is used in adult DNA cloning. The resultant embryo would be allowed to grow for perhaps 14 days. It's stem cells would then be extracted and encouraged to grow into a piece of human tissue or a complete human organ for transplant. The end result would not be a human being; it would be a replacement organ, or piece of nerve tissue, or quantity of skin. The first successful therapeutic cloning was accomplished in 2001-NOV by Advanced Cell Technology, a biotech company in Worcester, MA.

Source: THERAPEUTIC CLONING: How it is done; possible benefit, at

It was interesting to see how MB's and my views panned out. MB obviously the theological guru and myself the lapse catholic still in the infancy stages of religous understanding. It was literally Religion vs Science. The film for me was one of hope, of the advancement of science, the possibilities. Possibility of a utopian world where we are completely erradicated of illness and diseases, where no one ever has to suffer. But that would be like playing God wouldn't it? It would seem that we are completely defying the laws of nature, but perhaps this is what was intended to happen in the first place? The next step up in evolution, all part of the divine plan?

I remember our lecturer showing us this during a lecture on genetic manipulation,
The backpack
The mouse was a host for a prosthetic ear.

I thought to myself, My Gawd, we are truely at the epoch of the genetic revolution and I want to be a part of it. Then came the internship and a post graduate and I changed my mind. Anyway I digress.

MB was intrested in how clones do not have souls and the philosophical angle of the movie. It is so interesting to see that as individuals, our views and perceptions are fairly one dimesional, but when put together, we learn and sometimes try to marry the different viewpoints making our judgement and perceptions of life alot broader and open.

Life is indeed beautiful.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

All these dream things in my head. It will make no sense to any of you, but paper will get lost, and I sure as hell don't want my ideas lost.

1) Garden Party
2) Staircase duck
3) Birdcage sparkle
4) Chandelier
5) Arch and silk
6) Pitbull terrier

Friday, July 22, 2005

I frequent Batam for their spas and Hair treament. You get amazing beauty services there at a fraction of the price in Singapore. Am headed there on Sunday with some of the office girls for some spa decadence.

Batam is not the safest of places and in the words of my father "Why are you going to that cowboy town again?". The ferry from Singapore to Batam is often made up of middle aged men in thralls to the many sex workers the island has to offer. As usual, men and their fucking penises. They even have forums hosted in Singapore which advertise the services of these women. You can order your choice of pussy and she will be shipped over right to your doorstep and give you what you paid for. Blowjobs for $15, Full sex for $50. A fraction of the price, eh? Fucking disgusting you bastard men.

From Her World: A recent John Hopkins university study showed that about 600 Singapore men go to Batam each weekend for sex with girls as young as 14. Many of these girls are often bullied or beaten to "persuade" them to have sex with their clients.

Unifem Singapore: Runs shelters for sex workers in Batam. Support them by buying a very cute "i am woman hear me roar" pink T-shirt from 77th Street.

I am a late bloomer.
I know I've had major fuck ups in my life, but please.
It's this or nothing.
Back to school, do or die, I have and will make it.

Because nothing else comes close

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

So here I am, AGAIN! after a heavy early lunch of Muthu's curry, Smack Smack.
While I sit here and count the hairs on my arms, it is an excellent time to reflect and mope about life, once again (Yes roll your eyes why don't you).

1.I think I am a terrible friend.
Today, I just realised I missed a very close friend's birthday! I am gawdawful, and shall have to make it up to this friend over the weekend me thinks.
Not only do I miss friends' birthdays, because quite simply, I am disorganized and fail to mark it down on my calendars, I am also slow in responding to e-mails, sms-es and phone calls. Crap. I am the worst friend anyone could have. I am lazy and do not like to go out on rainy days. I HATE STREET JUICE. The dried up spit, urine and dog poop left by Singaporeans who failed moral education in school gets mixed into an exciting cocktail when it rains. Soaks our shoes, our toes, gets between our toes. Yucks.

I have birdcages and dried up bushes in a corner of my room waiting to be turned into art things. E-mails that need writing and replying (sorry Roy! Sharon! Iconoclastic! Christine! Theresa!), room that needs revamping, books that need reading (Self Abuse, Last tempatation of christ, prozac nation: Yes Gary Gan, I still have your book :( Man! I suck.

2.I suck at doing the PR thing. "Oh daaaahling, muack, muack..."
3.I am a magnet for tumultous relationships.
4.I am an open book but try my best to stay shut

Ah, enough.

Monday, July 18, 2005

My work day over the past 2 days consists of sitting at desk reading Harper's Bazzar, blog surfing, nattering with fellow commies, early lunch, clearing up backdated paperwork and snacking. Now THAT's a true waste and misuse of human resources. What to do? Ownself make these things happen, stupid people.

Too much time too little work
Eat this muthafakar!
One of us will be joining a local paper soon. What fun! Sure get asked to write story about this nonsense

I also think that children should be banned from cinemas. As long as you are bare between your legs, you better damn well stay clear of the cinema. My entire 'War of the Worlds' experience was destroyed by these 2 annoying male brats sitting directly behind me. No! I correct myself, it wasn't the little people's fault, but their breeders. The damn breeders did nothing but initiate and perpetuate inane conversation throughout the ENTIRE movie.

Female breeder: "Oh! See the Big alien is coming!"
Older little person: "Mommy, I wish I did'nt agree to see this show. it's scary"
Female breeder:"Boy, look at the alien."
Older little person:"Mommy, scared! Can you tell me when I should close my eyes."
Female breeder:"Ok. Oh! See the alien killed the man!"

Singapore should adopt the Australian system of kiddies afternoon at the movies. Where the only patrons are mommy or daddy breeders, who get to take their kiddos to the cinema. Best! Then the little people can create all the din they want without the sssh-ing and irritated tsk-s from other non-breeders. Now wouldn't that be so so so much better for everyone?


Saturday, July 16, 2005


My last one-on-one encounter with Mr Durai was on a balmy Sunday, right smack in the middle of a lazy afternoon. Our department was made to go back on our precious Sunday for a business plan presentation. It was during the height of the charity show and Mr D was busying himself with the lucky draw winners for the first show. Yes ladies and gentleman, we waited in the boardroom on our sunday as he spent a good 45mins downstairs personally congratulating the lady on winning the condo and thanking her for her support.

The presentation was not an easy one, he made my boss cry, he pushed us hard, challenged our set methods of fundraising and emphasied the importance of donor recognition.

Mr Durai was not an easy man to work for. A perfectionist, a zelous dynamic leader.
Stong, sturdy and meticulous.
These were the values on which he ran the NKF.
Fines for tardiness, grammar mistakes, typo errors, spelling errors, lights, irresponsible booking of facilities, it's the Singapore within Singapore.

Despite his endavour to be worldclass, there were things that were overlooked, mistakes that were made.
"When there is a ink stain on a sheet of white paper, the ink stain is the only thing you will focus on" -Mofo
The case here is not a misuse of funds but rather the lack of public education and transparency.

As my colleagues and I await the results of a possible restructuring and impending retrechment, I only hope that the mindset towards charities will change over time. I only hope that our reserves will be protected and not quickly depleted so that the next fundraising activity would be justifiable with tin cans and a "sorry ah auntie...we have no reserves, no money, please help us or our patients will die."

I hope Mr Durai will now find the time to take that long overdue holiday with his family. It's been 36 years, have a good break TT.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Ok. So I thought I wasn't seeing the effects of my 3 times a week endeavor. You know the fat girl that hides in the corner of the class trying her best to keep up? yea, I'm all to familiar with that girl.

Last night though was a good session. I could finally get myself into positions I previously couldn't.

Very encouraging.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

School doesn't have a session that commences in August, so plans have to be put on hold till next Feb.
This gives me exactly 6 months to make as much fucking money as possible.
Somebody please tell me how?

Monday, July 11, 2005

I don't usually take the MRT because:

1) It is not designed ergonomically and hence you have thousands of fuckwits who do not have the courtesy to move to the center of the carriage, which often results in your face being pressed up against the brylcream smeared windows, drool dripping down the front of your work clothes.

2) You have nothing to focus on (i do not read on moving things as I have motion sickness) except bad bad bad print ads of slimming centres, condos, the Navy (Good Lord take them down please!)...

3) Your jouney gets fragmented and you can't really space out or doze off because you have to keep your ears peeled for the ever familiar "For passengers travelling towards..."

I still prefer to travel by bus. I swear the quiet, or sometimes not so quiet drone of the engines have a calming "ohmmm" effect on me. Plus, window seats are best, and getting to see horse ears when I pass the polo club on the way home is the cherry topping of the entire experience

Today, unfortunately, was one of those days where I had to take the MRT.
And as I walked up the stairs to exit the station, I was greeted by an old man being made to open his heavy luggage for a lady police officer to inspect, from afar. An old rag and bone man that probably has arthritis and bad knees was made to bend down at her feet to unzip his big luggage. The fat tramp!

I wasn't so much the checking of his bags, I mean, we should be glad that our friends in blue are doing everything in their power to keep us safe, but honestly there has to be a more humane way of carrying it out. He was obviously struggling with his barang barang and she did'nt even offer to help. So I muttered "Not going to help the uncle?". She shot back at me in a string of malay and gave me the glare. Pft, so I help the uncle myself. Stupid fat woman. "No bombs woman. Ok?"

It must be PMS.

The refraction of water
The clifford pier gate keeper