Sunday, October 17, 2004

The human race.
We are a resilient hardy bunch
We overcome all calamities that we might face.
We deal with dissapointments, challenges and heartache with our head held high and confidence still in tact.

This week as been a of revelation of sorts.
On the work, family and relationship front.
Something happened on Tuesday which I wish to God would not have to happen to anyone else.
My beliefs on Love, trust and fidelity were all flushed down the well of deciet.
I realised that I had been living a dream, shrouded in lies.

There is a big gaping hole in my heart which I know will slowly mend over time.
When it comes to hurt and grief, time crawls at an alarmingly slow pace.
But I will not let this get the better of me.
I have to make a decision and stick with it
Like I said, we are resilient.
I know I will survive this

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

IGNORE THE LANGUAGE..Skip this bloody entry if you must

Everything came to a fucking standstill.
This coming month is bad as it is already, and now I got another load of fucking crap to deal with.
I feel like I am imploding, slowly, surely.
I thought I was completely stark raving mad before, now I realise, my reactions were all with good reason.
It's like I'm a fucking basketcase.
I don't know what to do do anymore, drained, very bloody drained. Sapped dry of every last bit of warm goodness.
I can't sleep.
3 days of presentations early in the morning starting tomorrow....Hah! Tomorrow should be exciting. I think I'm going to take a half day and fucking curl up in bed and cry myself to sleep.

Monday, October 04, 2004

OMG! Happy 1 year Garden Party!
I can't believe it's slightly over a year since my first post from Brisbane!
Amazging for this lazy git who has a huge problem with seeing things through till the end.

Reading through my previous posts, I realise that I used to write alot better.
Now things are slowly on a decline, and it's become blog vomit.
Ok. I have got to make an effort.

The boss is away on a business trip.
The air feels different, and today I woke up without any Monday blues! This should really happen more often for staff moral.
Met up with 2 guys from TheatreWorks today, to discuss a possible partnership with them for our drama workshops.
The creative guy was dropping scathing remarks here an there about us having shitloads of cash bleah bleah bleah, whilst laughing hard, making it seem like a joke.
The Wanker

I have realised a dramatic shift in my interests eversince starting work.
It did'nt occur to me that I was exhibiting the whole "office girl" idosyncracies until baby pointed it out to me.
"'re really becoming one of them after office hour shoppers are'nt you?"
Spaaarrkkkuing diamonds, pearls, Dior bags, have never seem so attractive until now.
For some strage reason I feel an uncontrolable draw towards these expensive girly delights!
And houses, cars, homeloans...POOH!
I want to crawl back to the warm comfort of my mummy's womb and nestle in placenta goodness whilst feeding off her like the big sponge that I am :(

The Schools Resource Centre Team!