I believe in God.
I believe he exists.
I know sometimes when we pray and make a petition, he does'nt necessarily answer our prayers there and then.
Sometimes it takes months,
maybe years.
But I still believe in God.
I felt very looked after by him yesterday and today.
I realise that I am not as independent as i thought I was.
At least not emotionally.
I need friends to bounce off.
To listen to their opinions and advice.
And I thank him for sending me all these angels.
For Trina calling from Sydney.
For Theresa calling from London, out of the blue.
For Christine coming over and giving me good advice.
For Cousin Bernie, being a pillar of strength.
For Pam smsing a random "how are you?" making my day.
For Gary taking time out from work to sit down with me and tear my cover letter and resume to shreds and re-writing and re-formatting the whole thing.
For Jennifer wanting to keep in touch.
For Joshua and Gary who both would'nt mind coming to oil painting class with me to take a look
For everyone single one of my friends.
I thank you all.
Life would'nt be worth it if you all were'nt around to colour my world.
This completely cracked me up today:
A dancing Wasabi plant on a surfboard.
Gary humoring me and posing for a Mugshot with dancing wasabi plant.
I believe he exists.
I know sometimes when we pray and make a petition, he does'nt necessarily answer our prayers there and then.
Sometimes it takes months,
maybe years.
But I still believe in God.
I felt very looked after by him yesterday and today.
I realise that I am not as independent as i thought I was.
At least not emotionally.
I need friends to bounce off.
To listen to their opinions and advice.
And I thank him for sending me all these angels.
For Trina calling from Sydney.
For Theresa calling from London, out of the blue.
For Christine coming over and giving me good advice.
For Cousin Bernie, being a pillar of strength.
For Pam smsing a random "how are you?" making my day.
For Gary taking time out from work to sit down with me and tear my cover letter and resume to shreds and re-writing and re-formatting the whole thing.
For Jennifer wanting to keep in touch.
For Joshua and Gary who both would'nt mind coming to oil painting class with me to take a look
For everyone single one of my friends.
I thank you all.
Life would'nt be worth it if you all were'nt around to colour my world.
This completely cracked me up today:

A dancing Wasabi plant on a surfboard.

Gary humoring me and posing for a Mugshot with dancing wasabi plant.