It's sad to realise that most of the people you thought you knew back when you were still in your teens have changed become complete and utter strangers.
I've never seen my gorgeous friend in a big social context before.
We all know she's pretty. SHE bloody well knows she's stunning. But I never experienced the full extent of her superficiality before, till now. One of our friends was in town for the weekend and was invited to this club opening, so we went along. Could have been the cheap house wine, the stinky company or the bad music, but after half an hour of having to participate in inane club chit chat, I could feel my skin crawl. I just felt so sick.
Gorgeous friend was making the most ridiculous frivolous airhead comments I've ever heard! The point she wanted to bring across to the entire table was the fact that many people thought she was gorgeous and that she hated being called cute.
I wanted to spew.
I wonder if she realises how shallow she sounded?
I left feeling really empty.
It is inevitable that after being away for a good 6 and a half years, friendships with many will start to dwindle. I used to get really upset, but these days I've learnt to accept the fact that you are lucky to have the few that actually grow and change with you as you progress through life.
It would be fantastic if my friends from college and Uni could be here in Singapore with me, what a blast. But heck, it's nice to know that somewhere in London, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Malaysia and elsewhere are people I've shared the formative years of my life with.
As for now, I am looking forward to the beginning of a new chapter. I am sure this would see new faces, experiences and memories to colour my world.